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Almaden Cycle Touring Club
Billy Goats
Billy Goats are a group of major hills. Credit is given for each Billy Goat climbed during a club ride, and special recognition is given to those riders who are able to complete a certain number of different Billy Goats. Click the links for the Map to see the location.
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Bay Area Billy Goats (Total 35)
Billy GoatCodeDifficultyClimbMilesDescriptionMapAddedSubmitter
AguajitoAGJ37003.5Monterey: Camino Aguajito & Aguajito Rd from Del Monte Ave to summit -- OR -- Carmel: Start on Rio Road at Mission Carmel, continue on Junipero, follow truck route to Hwy 1 (right to 3rd, left to Santa Fe, right to 2nd, left to Carpenter, left to Hwy 1), right to Aguajito, to summit -- OR -- Carmel: Start on Rio Road at the Mission, continue on Junipero, cross Camino Del Monte, bear right on Alta and Serra, slight left on Carpenter, left to Hwy-1, right to Aguajito, to summit at Loma Alta.Map Alt-1 Alt-2 1999
Alpine EastAPE35603.3Portola Valley: Start at Portola Rd, finish at gateMap 2002
Aptos to CorralitosA2C37067.7Aptos: Trout Gulch Rd, to Day Valley Rd, to Freedom Blvd, to Hams Rd, to Corralitos town square. Either way.Map 01/2008Deborah Lefferts
Bailey/Buffalo HillBBF35304.1San Jose: From Santa Teresa Blvd, via Bailey Ave, to left at McKean Rd, to summit of Buffalo Hill. -- OR -- McKean from Harry Rd to the top of Buffalo HillMap Alt-1 2002
Bean CreekBNC35033.7Scotts Valley: Start at Scotts Valley Dr, finish at Glenwood Dr.Map 02/2019John Hughes
Branciforte Mtn ViewBMV35093.9Start at Granite Creek Rd, turn right on Mountain View Rd. End at North Rodeo Gulch Rd.Map 1/1/2023Melanie Clarke
Carr/AnzarCAE34705.9San Juan Bautista: Start on Anzar Rd at San Juan Hwy, left onto Carr Ave, finish at Carpenteria Rd in Aromas -- OR —Start on Carr Ave at Carpenteria Rd in Aromas, right onto Anzar Rd, finish at San Juan Hwy.Map Alt-1 1999
CienegaCIN3102518.1Hollister: From Union Rd to Hwy 25 (Jon Kaplan Memorial), either direction -- or -- Paicines: From Hwy 25 (Jon Kaplan Memorial) to De Rose Winery and back -- or -- Hollister: From Union Rd to De Rose Winery and backMap Alt-1 Alt-2 1999
Crazy HorseCRZ36306.4San Juan Bautista: Start at San Juan Grade on Crazy Horse Canyon Rd, straight onto Echo Valley Rd, finish at Maher Rd. Either way.Map 01/2015Dan Swanson
Cull CanyonCLC35406.1Start at Heyer Ave, to end of Cull Canyon Road.Map 1/1/2023John Hughes
Eden CanyonEDC35362.7Start at Dublin Canyon Rd, to gate at end of road.Map 1/1/2023John Hughes
EdgewoodEDW37252.9Redwood City: Start at Alameda De Las Pulgas, finish at the Hw 280 parking lot. CAUTION: heavy traffic during afternoon commute hours.Map 10/2008Brian Chun
Elena/TaaffeELT35902.6Los Altos Hills: Start at Purissima Rd on Elena Rd, right onto Taaffe Rd, finish at Altamont Rd.Map 07/2009Christopher Larson
Hazel DellHDL35603.6Corralitos: Start on Browns Valley Rd at Hames Rd, straight on Hazel Dell Rd, finish at Hazel Dell Heights -- or -- Start on Mt Madonna at Casserly Rd, left onto Hazel Dell, finish at Hazel Dell Heights. NOTE (for either option) - check the SCR county roads info page (see our "Submit a Ride" page for a link), since there are numerous small washoutsMap Alt-1 1999
Highland WayHIW36257.6Loma Prieta: Start at Soquel-San Jose Rd, finish at Buzzard Lagoon Rd and Eureka Canyon Rd.Map 01/2008Deborah Lefferts
Hwy 236 UpperHBU37244.7Big Basin: Start at Hwy 9, finish at upper China Grade. NOTE: first 3.1 miles are sufficient for the goat.Map 11/2009Jon Kaplan
Kilkare RdKIL37093.63Sunol: Start at Main St by train station, finish at end of roadMap 01/2013Michael McGeough
Llagas/Willow SpringsLWS36305.1Morgan Hill: In either order, ride Llagas Rd from Hale Ave to Oak Glen Ave and ride Willow Springs Rd from Oak Glen Ave to Hale Ave -- or -- In either order, ride Llagas Rd from Oak Glen Ave to Hale Ave and ride Willow Springs Rd from Hale Ave to Oak Glen Ave.Map Alt-1 Alt-2 Alt-3 1996
Mt Madonna SummitMMS35193.3From Mt Madonna Rd/Pole Line Rd intersection, ride Summit Rd to the end of county roadMap 1/1/2024John Hughes
Mt PleasantMPL34401.4San Jose: Start on Mt Pleasant Rd at Ruby Ave, finish at Murillo Ave -- or -- Start at Ruby Rd on Norwood Ave, straight onto Mt Pleasant Rd, finish at T-intersection at summitMap Alt-1 1999
Norris CanyonNCR35652.1/3.2Castro Valley: Start at Crow Canyon Road, finish at summit -- or -- San Ramon: Start at Iron Horse Trail, finish at summitMap Alt-1 01/2008Franz Kelsch
Pinehurst/RedwoodPIR37406.8Berkeley: Start at Canyon Rd on Pinehurst Rd, left onto Redwood Rd, finish at Marciel Rd (Chabot Park staging area)Map 07/2009Jon Kaplan
Polhemus LoopPOL35575.6San Mateo: Start on Crystal Springs Rd at Skyline Blvd, right onto Polhemus Rd, right onto Ralston Ave bike path, right onto Canada Rd, left onto Hwy 92, right onto Skyline Blvd, finish at Crystal Springs Rd. Do entire loop, either direction, any starting point.Map 02/2008Deborah Lefferts
San Juan GradeSJN38754.5San Juan Bautista: Hwy 156 to summit -- or -- Crazy Horse Canyon Rd to summitMap Alt-1 1999
Santa Inez/Black MtnSIB36002.6Hillsborough: Start at corner of Santa Inez and Severn Lane, climb Santa Inez to Black Mountain Rd. Continue on Black Mountain to intersection with Wedgewood Dr.Map 12/2019Greg Olsen
Shannon/KennedySKE37903.6San Jose: Start at Hicks Rd on Shannon Rd, go to Los Gatos Blvd, return on Kennedy Rd. Do both, either way.Map 1996
Sharp ParkSHP35671.4Pacifica: Start Bradford Way, cross Hwy-1 to Sharp Park to College RoadMap 1/2022Brian Chun
Sky Meadow/LodgeSML38434.4(TEMPORARY ALTERNATE DUE TO PARK CLOSURE) Big Basin: Start on Hwy 236 at old park headquarters, ride towards Boulder Creek, left at Lodge Road, finish at gate (park boundary)Map 02/2019Lou Galbiati
Skyline North 1SN1381010.4Saratoga: Start at Hwy 9, finish at Bear Creek Rd.Map 01/2008Don Axtell
Skyline South 2SS2395013.6Saratoga: Start at Hwy 9, finish at Hwy 84.Map 01/2008Don Axtell
Skyline South 4SS435364.5San Mateo: Start at Crystal Springs Dam, finish at Trousdale Dr.Map 03/2009Russell Stevens
StageSTG394015Pescadero to HWY 1 - - OR- - Tunitas Creek to Pescadero - - OR - - 84 to HWY 1, U-turn at HWY 1, then go to PescaderoMap 1996
Stevens CanyonSTC35604.9Cupertino: Start at Montebello Rd, right at Mt Eden Rd to stay on Stevens Canyon Rd, finish at gate at end of roadMap 08/2009Jon Kaplan
SummitSUM37024.0Loma Prieta: Start at Old Santa Cruz Hwy, finish at Bear Creek Rd -- or -- Start at Old Santa Cruz Hwy, left onto Old Summit Rd, left onto Summit Rd, finish at Bear Creek Rd -- or -- Start on Old Santa Cruz Hwy, left onto Mountain Charlie Rd, right onto Summit Rd, finish at Bear Creek RdMap Alt-1 Alt-2 11/2009Paul Greene
Wildcat CanyonWLD35913.7Orinda: Start at Camino Pablo, finish at South Park DrMap 01/2015Jon Kaplan
Out of Area Billy Goats (Total 2)
Billy GoatCodeDifficultyClimbMilesDescriptionMapAddedSubmitter
Blue LakesBLL3130011Tahoe Area: From the parking lot at the intersection of Blues Lake Roadand Highway 88. Map 01/2011K.L. Seh
Panoche EastPRE39807.7Panoche Rd from Panoche Inn to summit (<1000 ft grandfathered in)Map 01/2008Franz Kelsch

This page was last updated on February 14, 2019
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